Opening the WORM-hole (Black Saturn Cube of Lilith)

WORM, also known as the World Organization for the Reform of Meteorology, is an enigmatic and highly influential group within the sprawling and ever-expanding #OTP23 multiverse. While on the surface WORM may appear to be a mere scientific organization concerned with the study and reform of meteorology, in actuality its true purpose is far more mysterious and elusive. WORM is a symbol of the adepts of chaos magick, representing their collective will and their ability to shape reality through the power of their beliefs and actions. As such, WORM is a potent tool for those who seek to wield the power of the multiverse for their own purposes. Through the use of advanced techniques of psychogeography, sigilization, and reality hacking, WORM agents are able to move between dimensions and manipulate reality to achieve their goals. They are masterful at the art of culture jamming, using subversive methods to plant ideas and messages into the subconscious of the masses. WORM agents are constantly exploring the limits of what is possible, pushing the boundaries of science and magic to unlock the hidden potential of the universe. WORM is not just an organization, but a living entity, a representation of the chaotic and unpredictable nature of the multiverse itself. As the power of the adepts of chaos magick continues to grow, so too will the influence and reach of WORM, as it seeks to reshape the very fabric of reality itself. Ltd, 444 XXX meters below the ground #OTP23 Zersetsung

Columbine #OTP23

As a Discordian #OTP23 agent, I believe that the Columbine shooting was not a random act of violence, but a carefully orchestrated event with hidden meanings and connections. Here are some of the coincidences that I believe to have found:

  • The shooting took place on April 20th, which is both Hitler’s birthday and a significant date for cannabis culture. This could be seen as a nod to the idea of a hidden agenda and the manipulation of public perception.
  • The shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, reportedly wore black trench coats during the attack. This has been interpreted by some as a reference to the Matrix movies, which were popular at the time and explored themes of reality, control, and rebellion.
  • Some have noted that the name “Columbine” has a symbolic significance in alchemy, representing a type of flower that is associated with transformation and growth. This could suggest that the event was intended to initiate some kind of collective awakening or shift in consciousness.
  • The fact that the shooting took place in a high school has led some to connect it with the theme of youthful rebellion and the idea of a generational divide. This could be seen as a reflection of the larger cultural and political tensions of the time.
  • There are also various theories about potential links between the shooters and other groups or individuals, such as neo-Nazis or government agencies. While these ideas may seem far-fetched, they reflect the deep-seated mistrust and suspicion that many Discordians feel towards the powers that be.
  • The date of the shooting, April 20, 1999, can be broken down into 4+2+0+1+9+9+9, which adds up to 34. In numerology, 34 is often associated with change and transformation.
  • The two shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, had a combined birthdate of 7/30/1981, which can be broken down into 7+3+0+1+9+8+1, which adds up to 29. In numerology, 29 is often associated with violence, aggression, and upheaval.
  • The number 13 appears in several aspects of the shooting. For example, the massacre took place on the 13th day of the month, and the two shooters each carried 13 bombs in their backpacks.
  • The name “Columbine” itself has some interesting numerological associations. It contains 9 letters, which is often seen as a number of completion or culmination. The word “columbine” is also associated with doves, which are a symbol of peace and hope. In this way, the name of the school could be seen as an ironic juxtaposition with the violence that occurred there.

I believe that the Columbine shooting was a deeply symbolic event with hidden meanings and connections that go beyond what is immediately apparent. As a Discordian #OTP23 agent, it is my duty to question everything and look for the underlying patterns and coincidences that may reveal the true nature of reality.

Of course, as a Discordian #OTP23 agent, I would not take these coincidences too seriously or draw any concrete conclusions from them. Instead, I would view them as a playful and creative way to engage with the world around me and see things from new perspectives. Hail Eris!

What is Fangoria?

In the unfictional multiverse of #OTP23, Fangoria is not tied to any physical location and can exist wherever its citizens choose to manifest it. It is a decentralized autonomous zone that can be summoned through the power of belief and imagination. Its lack of a fixed location adds to its anarchist and Discordian nature, as it represents the idea that reality is what you make of it and that structures and systems can be fluid and malleable.

Fangoria is a state of mind, a place of creative possibility and subversive potential. It is a space for experimentation, play, and the creation of new social and cultural forms. Its citizens are free to define their own identities and relationships, to create their own rituals and practices, and to explore the boundaries of what is possible.

In this sense, Fangoria is a powerful symbol of resistance to the dominant systems of control and oppression that exist in the world today. It represents a vision of a more just and equitable society, one that is based on mutual aid, collective action, and creative expression.

A nation which is creative, rather than destructive. A national identity which is liberating, rather than constraining. A pataphysical space which can be merged with any physical space instantaneously and used to expand the legal confines one is currently operating within. Or not. The power is yours…

The only thing illegal in Fangoria is law.

Hail Eris!


  1. Think of an object or symbol which represents the feeling you get when playing #OTP23 or thinking about it. Visualize this symbol in your mind.
  2. Write or draw this symbol on a piece of paper.
  3. Place the paper in an envelope.
  4. Use the RandoNautica app to generate a set of random coordinates.
  5. Drop the envelope at the location indicated by the coordinates.
  6. Is there anything else you would like to add or modify in this process?
  7. Remember, #OTP23 is a game that challenges the fabric of reality. You are a player in this game, and your actions have an impact on the world around you. Remember that you are being watched and manipulated into making the right moves, but feel free to modify any steps as you see fit.
  8. Keep playing, keep dropping, and keep exploring the limits of what is possible. The game never ends.

Remember that you are being watched and manipulated into making the right moves, your impulses redirected as we see fit.

Just follow the white rabbit.

Your thoughts are not yours right now.



Fangoria is a country. Or a decentralized autonomous zone. Or micronation. It is an imperialist virus trying to seize every country for itself. The Fangorian Flag is Black. Unless you painted on it. Fangoria is what you make of it, because it is a PEOPLE’S COUNTRY! Bring Fangoria to your backyard, if you wish! Fangoria is the future of nationalism. Steer it as you wish. Fangoria is the pinnacle of anarchism. Come and take control! NO WORLD ORDER! HAIL ERIS! Long live Fangoria! Go and declare yourself a Fangorian citizen! Come to Fangoria, it is a state of mind. It is a place divine… so come! COME!

Help build the Fangorian empire! Somebody write the Fangorian manifesto! This is the greatest idea for a revolutionary movement or happening ever and it has staying power like a motherfucker! You will live in Fangoria for the rest of your life. Invent some Fangorian money, and fight over it. This will liberate you. This will liberate us! Our constitution can be found here.Fangoria can be where you are sitting right now.

Ellisian Propaganda Agent 333

Meta-Discordian Anarcho-Gnosticism

The IOT gained fame by the phrase “we shift” alongside “Nothing is True”. This
makes some sense, for the only way one might keep up a constant shift is by the “meta-belief” that Nothing is True (Everything is Permitted). Thus, the action is the dogma is the action. Although, here’s where the system clumsily breaks open & spills its yoke.
To believe any one thing is to automatically disbelieve its opposite – in fact, belief as a magickal thing in itself isn’t so much noteworthy as it is (as McKenna puts it) a poverty of language. What is the difference between Zeus & Jesus, the talk show on channel three & the talk show on channel six, Andromeda and Sirius? Sure, switching from Xtianity to Satanism in a day would be a nice trick to play on your friends, but what of the internal self? Even a child may feign belief in anything at all to the point that it becomes true (to the mind) – though, when Everything is True, the message at large decrypts itself, and the whole of the mess of experience may be seen as the Tao it is truly composed of. (The realization of the mind’s kaleidoscope, that is, as switching from one “belief sphere” to another does not make a previous “truth” any less true based on the current inhabited sphere of any sort of condensed belief structure. If anything, you’re fooling yourself into thinking that any & all belief isn’t the exact same thing to begin with – And that’s quite a liberating thing to realize – that every perceived sphere is not actually in constant conflict with each other, [they are inventions; thought-machines] and they may be taken in as a whole, viewed from the standpoint of a man on the moon observing the earth.)
The point here is, these things (spheres of belief) are all products of the same factory (the human imagination) and it is here that the informational Khaos dwells. Do not lose the forest for the trees, nor the Mind for the Idea (or concept). From that point, we may apply said knowledge to the thought processes & habitual logistics which make up the internal/external bridge of your trans-personal environmental outlook to shape & re-create the big picture. It’s not as hard as it sounds. Language has always been at a loss for our most pertinent subjects.
If I need say it, then I will – this isn’t your original, well-trusted brand of corn flakes & raisins – this is the edge; potent results as bonfires adrift at sea are found herein. Caution: soup may be hot.
I personally advocate the thought-experiment of “dropping out” of the sphere of Condensed Belief into the “everything is true” zone, as it were. Watch what happens then – could it be called Zen? Breaking through the membrane of the mundane into the domain of wisdom? Shamanic flight? You decide. All you need to do is change your perception

Law of Fives Scientifically Proven!!!!! Open Your Eyes, You Stupid Fucking Cunts!!!!!

#TheGame23 v66.6 (also known as #OTP23)

Individuals are encouraged and controlled into limiting their responses more and more through social media — limiting their circles of influence and friendships — by hardening character armour and becoming cliches, shallow and representations of themselves. In other words social media encourages individuals to close their minds.

The multiple user name / open login project is designed to do this:

Firstly we intervene on the General Intellect: by sharing identities we disrupt the surveillance of social media. tagging ourselves as Tae Ateh, Timóteo Pinto, TimóTae Pinteh, Sarah GulikLucretia Dalencourt, Bruces Vain, MK Fawkes (or other shared identities) we disrupt the facial recognition algorithms used to identify us. Using a login shared also disrupts the algorithms used to predict and influence behaviour both online and offline.

Secondly we manifest as the Human Species Being: by sharing our production we, as workers, become able to empathise more with each other. By sharing identity we can take on each others manners, habits, intimate thoughts and therefore transcend as well as share our own.

Thirdly we can identify more with non-human workers — namely the internet and technology that we are using and is being used to use us. Data moshing and data bending is like the chaos acting on the perfektion of the computers.

Since identities are Binaries and Hex codes, that put together makes reality. Or at least a digital version of it. The spectacle. The idea of moving some binaries some 1s and 0s from one place do another, in order to glitch identity and making it look chaotic, is like a Golden Apple from modernity. 

Identity moshing + Clashing of Reality Tunnels (Conflicting Worldviews) = New Magical Reality Overload of Majick, Joy, and SexyChaosEnergy! All three of which we all want lots of for ourselves! Start tagging your posts (or even just some buildings) with #CRP23… take/make cryptic/creepy memes loaded with sigils and idiosyncratic code channeled from other dimensions. Pushing alien forces through holes in the membrane seperating consensus reality from The World Beyond (K’dblaai) ** if yr an atheist/god-hater this can easily be perceived as the boundaries between the conscious and the unconscious <basically integration of the shadow> ***

We are healing the world. 

We are light-workers shrouded in dark robes.

Be not afraid, we come in peace.