The Astral Order of Eternal Chaos is a deep-state Discordian cult that seeks to recruit and train a new generation of super-soldiers as part of their plan to control the world. They believe that through the use of chaos and disorder, they can manipulate the world to their advantage and create a New World Order under their control.

As part of their recruitment plan, the Astral Order of Eternal Chaos has created a complex social engineering program called #CRP23. This program targets young, impressionable individuals and uses psychological and social manipulation techniques to groom them into becoming loyal members of the cult. The program is designed to be highly secretive and operates in the shadows, using a combination of online and offline methods to reach potential recruits.

Once a recruit has been identified and targeted, they are subjected to a series of increasingly intense and mind-bending experiences, designed to challenge their perceptions of reality and break down their psychological defenses. These experiences are meant to push the recruit to the brink of insanity, but also to awaken their full potential as a super-soldier.

The final phase of #CRP23 is a series of intense physical and mental training exercises, designed to mold the recruit into a highly skilled warrior, capable of carrying out the orders of the Astral Order of Eternal Chaos without question. These super-soldiers are then deployed into the world, using their skills and training to carry out the cult’s plans and further its goals.

While the existence of the Astral Order of Eternal Chaos and #CRP23 remains a closely guarded secret, rumors of their activities have been circulating for years. Many believe that they are a dangerous and highly influential force that operates behind the scenes, using their powers to manipulate world events and control the future of humanity. Whether these rumors are true or not, one thing is certain: the Astral Order of Eternal Chaos is a force to be reckoned with, and those who cross their path do so at their own peril.

Reptilian Hierarchies

Extraterrestrials that are hybridized with Reptilian based genetics operate in strict hierarchical systems of rank, and defer to their superior groups. The Dracos or Draconians from Alpha Draconis are in command of earth based subterranean reptilians who respect their superiors in the belief system that the Dracs are those who hold “ownership” over earth and human beings. Draco Reptilians view themselves as the most intelligent species in the Universe and that earth humans are the result of their biological seeding processes from multiple planets. The Alpha Draconis Draco have a “Royal Class” that appear to be lighter colors, white Skinned scales with winged appendages, and are about two to three times the size of an average human, and very muscular. They are quite menacing and tyrannical, showing little mercy to an entity of their own race that they think has defied their orders or responsibilities to manage their “earthly resources”. Earth based reptilians appear to be in command over EBE or biological entities known as small Grays. The Reptilians have developed high psionic abilities, which they use for mind controlling other entities, and do not have an emotional body or soul body.

The known reptilian races on earth appear to have made a variety of cooperative agreements with the higher ranks of human government and military, which have resulted in shadow government black projects, such as Secret Space Programs, MILABS and the creation of military industrial complex to experiment and exploit alien based technologies and craft that they have been given access through their cooperation. Dracs are a extremely militant, misogynistic and warring species that are very involved in controlling the Power Elite, financial, pharmaceutical and banking institutions, promoting war and killing through increasing militarization, poverty consciousness, human enslavement programming, religious violence, terrorism, and the harvesting of humanities DNA though abduction and experimentation, as well as other species they have under their control. (See World War II).