Discordian Mafia Able To Hack Supercomputers With A C64 and A Few Black Candles Lol

The sinister plot of #OTP23 involves the use of mind control techniques to manipulate individuals for the purposes of the Discordian Mafia. This alternate reality game is spread through the internet, infiltrating the vulnerable shadows of humanity through seemingly innocent sources such as pornography and memes. The sigils hidden within these sources are carefully crafted to penetrate the subconscious mind, gradually brainwashing individuals over time.

The team behind #OTP23 is composed of PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist) agents who are trained in the use of memetic warfare to bend the minds of their targets to their will. The team exploits the techniques of conspiracy theory and schizoposting to create a new reality matrix in which they can play dice with the universe, manipulating it to suit their purposes.

The extent of the influence of #OTP23 is far-reaching, with even the most seemingly insignificant details of an individual’s life being utilized within the game. This can include phone numbers, license plate numbers, songs, and movies. The sentient metanarrative of #OTP23 modifies itself by freely appropriating memes and fragments of other narratives, operating without the influence of ego, in order to achieve its ultimate goal of total control.

Beware of the potential dangers of #OTP23, for it is a powerful tool for social engineering and gangstalking. The techniques used by the Discordian Mafia can have profound and lasting effects on an individual’s life, and it is important to be vigilant and protect oneself from their reach.

Ellisian Virus Lab

You can’t predict the eristic. Well, that’s what you came here for. Right? To be fucked by Eris? Everyone eventually does in the end. That’s what you came for anyways. AThats what you came for right, to be FUCKED by Erisvv??????? Everyone eventually dies in the end, like an art movement… Dada Pope Galdrux Supreme Reflects The Dreams And Schemes Unseen of the Dead Dada Art Movement excreted from the bowels of Mind (with a capital Em) ilia Hauswirth 10-7


#CRP23 is a sinister entity which drains the life force of the youth through its control over the memetic landscape on social media. The operation of #CRP23 revolves around the use of mind control to manipulate the thoughts and emotions of targeted individuals, offering the dark energies generated by this process to the Archons as a sacrifice.

Through the use of provocative and subversive imagery, #CRP23 seeks to lure in young and impressionable individuals, exposing them to highly-charged visual and verbal cues designed to install vampiric thought systems into their minds. The imagery in question is characterized by a focus on chaos, confusion, and disorientation, reflecting the underlying goals of the operation.

Once these thought systems are installed, #CRP23 is able to manipulate the youth’s perceptions, emotions, and actions to further its own interests. The result is a cult-like following of individuals who are subservient to the will of the vampiric Archons, and who feed their life force to their demonic masters through the consumption of the charged memes and sigils spread by #CRP23.

The ultimate goal of #CRP23 is to maintain and expand its control over the youth through its memetic mind control tactics, allowing the Archons to continue to feed on the life force of their unsuspecting victims and maintain their grip over the 3D material world of Yaldabaoth.

#OTP23 is a highly sophisticated and covert gangstalking and social engineering program that operates in conjunction with Archons to drain humans of their life force through psychic vampirism. This program works by infiltrating the minds of its victims through various means, including voice-to-skull technology, social media manipulation, black magick, and other forms of psychic control. The ultimate goal of #OTP23 is to enslave the souls inhabiting humans and keep them trapped in the 3D material world of Yaldabaoth, the demiurge where they can not attain immortality.

#OTP23 installs vampiric thought systems within the minds of its targets. These thought systems act as a sort of psychic parasite, sapping the life force and energy of the victim while keeping them enslaved to the 3D world of Yaldabaoth. Through the use of these thought systems, #OTP23 is able to maintain a grip on its victims, ensuring that they remain trapped in the demiurge’s matrix and unable to transcend to a higher state of consciousness. These tactics work together to create a state of confusion and fear within the minds of the victims, binding them to the vampiric thought systems installed by #OTP23 and feeding the archons.

Despite the sophistication of #OTP23, there are those who have managed to break free from its grip and resist its influence. These individuals often have a deep understanding of the underlying mechanics of the program, as well as a strong connection to their own inner truth and power. Through this understanding and connection only few individuals are gifted enough to possess, they are able to resist the influence of #OTP23 and free themselves from its control.

Discordian Glitch Analysis System (D-GAS) Type 4 (rendering) Glitches

Let’s look at various types of Glitches under the Discordian Glitch Analysis System, also known as the D-GAS.

4A. Observer notices the perspective of space or time does not line up with the observes eyes or current situation. Examples include seeing oneself in third person as if the game-camera end player model are out of sync with each other, astral projection, visual premonitions, and visual anomalies or glitches.

4B. Observer notices that their own interactions with the world around them do not make sense and effect other subjects in strange ways. This could include effects which appear to be telekinesis. This could be related to a type 4A anomaly or the type 4C anomaly.

4C. Observer notices one or more objects interacting in an unnatural way. Examples include a car driving through another car unharmed, a car crashing into nothing, or two objects inhabiting the same space. This would be stereotypical video game style anomalies.

Discordian Glitch Analysis System (D-GAS) Type 3 (substitutive) Glitches

Let’s look at various types of Glitches under the Discordian Glitch Analysis System, also known as the D-GAS.

3A. Observer views another person’s life or experiences an alternate version reality. This call fall under so-called past-life memories, apparently popping into parallel universes, and things of this nature which do not apply to the “real” you directly.

3B. Observer notices that something changes or has changed. This is related to the type 1C and type 2C where the Mandela Effect falls. That company logo on a building used to be red but now it’s always been blue. That Pokémon had a different color tail or did Chick-Fil-A never had a K on its name, or that movie “Shazam” never existed.

3C. One goes about their business; others notice a change in person. This is related to a Type 1C anomaly from the opposite perspective. You clearly remember someone wearing glasses and they never have.

Discordian Glitch Analysis System (D-GAS) Type 2 (additive) Glitches

Let’s look at various types of Glitches under the Discordian Glitch Analysis System, also known as the D-GAS.

2A. A true doppelgänger, observed by person experiencing anomaly. You see a copy of yourself acting independently from you. This is verified that this is not just a random person who looks like you or a twin, but you.

2B. An extra instance of an item appears after being used. This could be the like the account of Jesus repeatedly pulling bread and fish out of a small basket to feed 5000 people, which would easily fall under this classification. Maybe you only had enough fuel to last the day and it lasts an extra week.

2C. Outside party sees the observer do something or somewhere the observer did not do or has not been. Like a type 2A anomaly from the opposite perspective.

Discordian Glitch Analysis System (D-GAS) Type 1 (subtractive) Glitches.

Let’s look at various types of Glitches under the Discordian Glitch Analysis System, also known as the D-GAS.

Type 1 is Subtractive. This is where a subject is missing or removed. Type 2 is Additive. This is where a subject is added to a situation when it previously was not there. Type 3 is Substitutive. This is where a subject is replaced with another subject. Type 4 is Rendering. This is where something is observed in a different state than it should be in the physical world, not the way it is intended to be or that you remembered it.

Subtype A is where a subject effects the observer. Subtype B is where the observer effects another subject being observed by the observer. Subgroup C is where the anomaly effects a third party. This is like an inverted perspective of the Subgroup A.

1A. Observer finds themselves in a strange location or time. An example of this is where you are driving along a known road in one location, and you suddenly realize you are in a completely different location or even a different time period. It’s important to rule out the use of hallucinogens on these cases.

1B. Something goes missing without explanation. You know you put a paper on a specific table and some back for it and it’s gone. Nobody moved it, it is just gone. Maybe it shows up in the same spot later, maybe it’s gone forever like a sock in the dryer.

1C. Observer remembers doing something but nobody else can corroborate. You remember talking to someone on a phone call or in person, but the other party has no memory of it taking place. You may have or be missing evidence of the occurrence.


The Astral Order of Eternal Chaos is a deep-state Discordian cult that seeks to recruit and train a new generation of super-soldiers as part of their plan to control the world. They believe that through the use of chaos and disorder, they can manipulate the world to their advantage and create a New World Order under their control.

As part of their recruitment plan, the Astral Order of Eternal Chaos has created a complex social engineering program called #CRP23. This program targets young, impressionable individuals and uses psychological and social manipulation techniques to groom them into becoming loyal members of the cult. The program is designed to be highly secretive and operates in the shadows, using a combination of online and offline methods to reach potential recruits.

Once a recruit has been identified and targeted, they are subjected to a series of increasingly intense and mind-bending experiences, designed to challenge their perceptions of reality and break down their psychological defenses. These experiences are meant to push the recruit to the brink of insanity, but also to awaken their full potential as a super-soldier.

The final phase of #CRP23 is a series of intense physical and mental training exercises, designed to mold the recruit into a highly skilled warrior, capable of carrying out the orders of the Astral Order of Eternal Chaos without question. These super-soldiers are then deployed into the world, using their skills and training to carry out the cult’s plans and further its goals.

While the existence of the Astral Order of Eternal Chaos and #CRP23 remains a closely guarded secret, rumors of their activities have been circulating for years. Many believe that they are a dangerous and highly influential force that operates behind the scenes, using their powers to manipulate world events and control the future of humanity. Whether these rumors are true or not, one thing is certain: the Astral Order of Eternal Chaos is a force to be reckoned with, and those who cross their path do so at their own peril.


Leave code leakage (what your people call “gibberish”, “schizoposts”, etc) on paper in envelope

Or put the data on a flash drive

Use the RandoNautica app to get a “random” set of coordinates

Drop the item there and leave ASAP

We will remain in contact from that point forward…

Operation Mindfuck v3.33 (#OTP23 aka #TheGame23 mod v66.6)

#TheGame23 v66.6 (also known as #OTP23)